Research on polymer coatings and atomistic simulations

The University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, faithful to its commitment to serve Society, contributes to the development of its socioeconomic environment. The university research groups develop first-rate work by participating in various calls for public and private projects. In addition, our University establishes collaboration agreements with research centers and contracts with companies and institutions for the transfer of research results, scientific and technological cooperation and the establishment of strategic alliances in the field of R&D.

Among the strategic objectives of the Office of the Vice President for Research, the development of excellent research and the contribution to the generation and transfer of knowledge to companies and institutions stand out.


Development, testing and validation of biobased coatings in WP2&4 and computational tools WP3.

Polymers are found in such a large variety of products that have shaped modern life. In the future, polymers will continue substituting other materials in established applications and will play a major role in the development of the technologies needed to address some of the 21st Century challenges such as energy, health care and sustainability.

POLYMAT is devoted to use-inspired fundamental research on synthesis, assembly and processing of polymers that in concert with theory and simulation enable addressing these challenges.


Development, testing and validation of biobased coatings in WP4.